Tuesday, September 29, 2009

DAY 21 & 22 - Sept. 28 & 29

Sorry I did not post yesterday but I was feeling pretty sick. Did not sleep much as my stomach got pretty queasy and I ended up cancelling my session with Joseph at 430am, her is such a trooper. Slept though out the day and was able to eat something in the evening.

So I moved my workout to this morning as I still want to get my 3 training sessions in with Joseph. I think that Joseph is trying to confuse my muscles, I know that I am confused. Everytime I work out with Joseph the session is somewhat different and I am really feeling. Many, many muscles are quite sore but you can't let that stop you.

I have said many times that fresh food is best but is you really need something in a pinch you can have a frozen meal. Frozen meals are higher in sodium and/or fat than fresh foods so it is best to use these options in moderation.

Each frozen meal = 1 protein and 1 starch. You should not eat more than 1-2 per week.

Using the guidelines listed choose a brand you prefer best. Choose meals that contain whole grains and a good source of fibere to help you stay full longer. It is best to choose items that contain a mix of lean protein, whole grains and vegetables.

To make your meal more robust add a tossed salad, vegetable or fresh fruit to help you feel satisfied.

Frozen Meal Guidelines:

calories - 200 to 300
carbohydrates - less than 40 grams
protein - at least 14 grams (vegetarian greater than 7 grams of protein)
fat - less than 10 grams
sodium - less than 750 mg

Here are some good frozen meals choices:

Healthy Choice
Lean Cuisine
Le Commensal
Michelina's Lean Gourmet
M&M Meat Shops
President's Choice Blue Menu

Tomorrow I will list some restaurants that have healthy choices when you want to eat out.

Have a good night.


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