Wednesday, September 9, 2009

DAY 2, SEPT. 9

Day 2 of my journey was a little quieter but still quite sore. Got up and did some stretches and that seemed to help. Watching the food intake by keeping out the white flour products and keeping down the fats. Drinking lots of water to help flush the system. I know that some professionals say we don't have to drink as much water but I am old school and I drink at least 2 large bottles a day. It helps keep you hydrated and that included your skin which need both internal and external moiture to keep is from getting to lined.

Tomorrow I have to be up at 515am to go and meet Joseph my trainer at 600am. Joseph is very nice and even though he is working me his is not being extremely hard on me...yet. I explained about the arthrytis in both of my knees and he is being very careful not to do any damage but to help me strengthen so that I can work out harder as I progress. My doctor said exercise is the best thing for my knees so that is what I am doing. Joseph works on my triceps, biceps, all my ceps and boy do I feel it. But what is the pain, no gain. And you can not change your lifestyle without including exercise of some sort. Be it a gym, walking, swimming, etc.

So wish me luck on my second day of workout. I look forward to hearing from you.


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