Thursday, September 24, 2009

DAY 17 - Sept. 24

I had the best sleep last night. You know when you wake up totally refreshed and ready to go. That is how I have been sleeping since I started training with Joseph and changing my lifestyle. I had a very busy day today, we are getting ready to lauch the United Way campaign where I work and I am the chairperson so there is a lot to do to get the word out.

I am going to an overnight work function tomorrow night and will not be entering my blog until sometime Saturday or Sunday. I am going to enjoy myself and yes I will have a little wine, a nice dinner and I will have a few bites of dessert. I will do this and on Saturday I will make up for it. You must enjoy life. You can not let a change in lifestyle so take over your life that you stop having fun. Changing your lifestyle for the better should make you a happier person not someone who grudgingly gets out of bed in the morning and does not look forward to the day ahead.

I am happy and I feel better. That is not to say that I do not hurt a little after a workout with Joseph but I have more energy to go through my day. I told Joseph that I want to work on my know that part of the stomach that makes you look pregnant when you are a women. And my 7 year old niece Daphne did indeed ask me if I was about a pregnant But out of the mouths of babes. This was a week before my planned change of lifestyle so it was definately that extra push to get me going at it pretty strong in the right direction.

Tonight I want to talk about keys to success. These are just a few that makes a lot of sense and I may have already mentioned them in past posts.

1) Use fresh food and prepare most meals at home. Frozen foods (ready made meals) contain more sodium than fresh foods. Restaurant meals may have hidden ingredients such as sodium and fat.

2) Weigh and measure all foods so you know exactly how much you are eating.

3) Break up meals into 5 or 6 mini-meals. This will help keep you in control and give you more energy through out the day.

4) Have all your daily servings every day. Skipping foods oe saving foods for the next day may make you feel sluggish or hungry and could slow your weight loss.

5) Use a salt substitute in place of salt. This will also add necessary potassium to your food plan.

6) Prepare all foods by steaming,broiling, baking, roasting, grilling or poaching instead of frying.

7) Cook with nonfat cooking spray instead of butter, oil, fat or margarine.

8) Drink at least 64 oz. (2L) of water every day. Drinking water is essential to weight loss.

I poach my fish and chicken in fresh lemon juice and grind a bunch of spices into the juice. Then I put my chicken or fish into the lemon spice mixture and let it cook, on medium high, turning frequently. My chicken is also skinless and boneless so I am not weighing stuff I do not want or need. This also gives the chicken and fish an nice lemony flavour.

Well I am off to wash the dishes and then get ready for bed because I have to be at Goodlife to meet Joseph at 600am.

Have a nice weekend everyone.


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