Friday, October 23, 2009

Day 44 & 45 - Oct. 22 & 23

I was not feeling very well yesterday so I stayed in bed. I thought about cancelling my workout this morning but I wanted to get another training session in with Joseph before my family wedding tomorrow. My sister Patty and I are going to aquatics in the morning and we will be ready for dancing tomorrow night. I will be putting a picture of me in my cocktail dress on my blog this weekend. My pooch has gone down quite a bit and the dress looks great.

I was going to talk about fitness accomplishments today but I will leave that for my next blog. I was at Goodlife and I saw this memo on one of the bulletin boards. I know that I feel like this sometimes so I thought that I would share with you.

Jose's Tip of the Month - Cut out grains for 2 weeks.

Many people today are finding out that they are sensitive to grains, wheat and wheat-based products. However, it may not be the grains that are causing the problem; it is likely to be something in grain called gluten. Gluten is the general name for prolamins, a protein fraction found in grains. The prolamins that are often harmful include gliadin (in wheat), secalin (in rye) and hordein (barley).

Should you eat grains?

Based on how are human digestion systems developed, it could be argued that we are not designed to eat grains at all. Regardless of this, grains have been a staple in many peoples diets. The problem today is that we are eating highly-processed grains and lot of them. Many people are finding that they feel much better when they eliminate, or at least decrease, wheat and other grains from their diet.

Should everyone give up wheat and other grains containing gluten?

Not everyone is sensitive to gluten, but many people are and don't know it. If you do consume grains, consider avopiding highly processed grains and stick to whole grains.

How do you know if you can eat gluten?

You may not think that you are intolerant because you eat wheat and grains all the time and feel "FINE". This doesn't mean that you are not being affected at some level. You can find out if you are sensitive to gluten through a variety of blood tests, but the easiest way is to completely eliminate grains except quinoa, teff and amaranth from your diet for two weeks. If you feel better when you are not eating it, you most likely have an intolerance.

If you don't feel a difference aftr eliminating grains, reintroduce grains to your diet and understand and listen to how you feel after a meal with grains. You may find a difference in vitality after reintroducing them, meaning if you start reintroducing and you feel for example bloated and lethargic then that is an indication that you are intolerant to grains.

Try cutting out grains for 2 weeks to see the following:

* Decrease or eliminate lower abdominal bloating ( I get this sometimes )
* Increase abdominal function
* Decrease back pain
* Decrease body fat
* Increase mental clarity
* Increase energy

You can follow Jose on:
facebook - search: Jose Villablanca - Holistic Jose
YouTube -

Next post I will discuss what you want to accomplish for your fitness vision.

I will not post tomorrow as we will be having fun at Chris and Jennifers wedding. Lots of good food so we will have to dance it off. It will be nice to spend time with all my cousins and aunts and uncles.

That's it for tonight.


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