Thursday, October 15, 2009

DAY 37 - Oct. 15

Did I tell you that I am sleeping better. Well last night I went to lie down and watch a little TV in my bedroom at about 830am and that is all I remember until I woke up at 600am this morning. These early morning workouts and just being very busy at work just plain tucker me out.

This morning I got up and I did 20 minutes on my Gazelle. I really worked up a sweat and next time I will have my heart monitor per Joseph's suggestions. I have my niece and nephew for date night tomorrow and I am going to drag them to Sportscheck with me to get the monitor. I will have to promise them a toy (under $10) so that they behave and wait for me to pick up my purchase. Fun...WOW!

We will go as usual to Jack Astors, remember, they can crayon on the table and I can get a steak and steamed brocoli. WISH ME LUCK!

Tonight I am going to start to list pratical weight liss tips.
There are quite a few so I will list a few each blog.

1)Think of food as nourishment for your body and a way to improve your overall health.
2) Eat slowly. You will enjoy your food more and feel satisfied sooner than when you eat fast.
3) Do some form of evercise daily. Even a little activity sends your body the correct weight loss messages.
4) Make healthy eating part of your healthy lifestyle. Diets and crash weight loss programs are dangerous and ineffective as a long term solution.

That's it for tonight.


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