Tuesday, October 13, 2009

DAY 32, 33, 34, 35 - October 10 to 13

Sorry it has been a few days since my last post but with the long weekend and then being sick for a couple of days I was not into blogging. I seemed to get some type of bug and everything ached. I did get up and go to workout with Joseph this morning and my lower back was killing me. seemed to be part and parcel of my feeling achy. We Joseph was great. He made be do a bunch of exercises that help to stretch out my muscles. I felt about 75% better and I had more mobility. I think that our workout tomorrow should get me the rest of the way there.

I worked at the Daily Bread Food Bank on Saturday and they are not taking as many volunteers as they usually do as they do not have a much food to sort. We did a couple of hours of work and they sent us home.

My friend Cynthia and I went to see the movie "The Informant" on Saturday and I just have to say "DO NOT WASTE YOUR MONEY". OMG, it was putting me to sleep and a few other people as well from what I heard as patrons were leaving the theatre. We had a nice dinner at our favorite restaurant called "Thyme 4" and I has pasta for the first time in 5 weeks, what a treat.

Let's continue with the major benefits of fitness and exercise:

21 Heightens self esteem and self image.
22 Improves the digestion system.
23 Reduces the chance of a fatal heart attack.
24 Keeps your body more flexible.
25 Improves skin tone.

Thats all for tonight.


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