Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Day 28 & 29 - Oct. 5 & 6

Sorry I missed out on yesterday but I had one super busy day and got home late and was pretty tired. Tomorrow I will be working out with Joseph and I have not worked out in 3 days so I am afraid, very afraid.

A lot of friends have been getting on and looking at the blog and I have been getting great comments. AS I said at the beginning I am not a professional but I have been in the weight loss game a long time and have gathered mucho information. There is an amazing amount of dieting and weight loss information on the internet - Jenny Craig, Weight Watchers, South BeachDiet, Low Fat, Low Carb, Atkins, Liquid Diet - I'm not going to go into and discuss the merits of these but this blog is about the choices I am making and will document how well everything is working and where I have struggled. I hope this information is helpful to everyone who reads it and any wisdom or words of encouragement or recipes will always be appreciated.

Here are the next 5 major benefits of fitness and exercise:

6) Helps reduce and prevent lower back pain.
7) Gives you energy for meeting life's emergency.
8) Reduces some menstrual symptons.
9) Increases (HDL) good cholesterol.
10) Helps reduce depression.

Wish me luck at 6am tomorrow morning.


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