Monday, November 2, 2009

Day 53, 54, 55 - Oct. 31, Nov. 1 & 2

Went and had a workout with Joseph theis morning. My knee was getting better but I think I overdid it at aquatics on Saturday. Anyway, doesn't stop me from working out. Today I am officially 15 pounds down. It is working out to about 2 pounds per week. My sister also commented that I am looking more toned and that made me feel good. I am getting my girlish figure back..yay!

Tonight we are going to talk about having fun while exercising. With a little experimenting, you will discover your fitness program can be built around a variety of activities that you enjoy most. Sticking to your program is not just for your body but for you mind as well. Moving your body helps you to think more clearly, it reduced drowsiness, sluggishness and feelings of depression, eases tension and improves sexual function, increases self esteem and your overall sense of well being.

Consider a variety of activities; indoor, outdoor, recreational, and social to keep things interesting and fun. Include things that don't require a lot of planning or preparation like walking, biking, hiking or gardening. Don't forget to include a group exercise class - bring a friend and it's even more fun. Just like my sister and I who do aquatics together every saturday.

I like the personal training because it is fun, effective, safe and provides me with the variety to keep me motivated and seeing results.

Pick 3 activities that are fun and that you would like to include as part of your fitness program. Mine are:

1) Swimming
2) Walking
3) Belly Dancing ( going to try this in 2010 )

Next post we will discuss our "Lifetime Health Calendar Dates".

Have a good evening.


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