Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Nov. 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 - Day 60, 61, 62, 63, 64

I have been experiencing some low grade nausea this week. Not sure if it is a bug or what. It is crazy weather with it being cold then warm. I had better not get sick though because I am leaving for the DR on Saturday. I am still training with Joseph though, not letting anything stop me because I am going to be away for a week. But I think that Joseph is trying to make up for it with really working me out hard. I am pretty sore tonight.

My talk tonight is regarding fitness over forty years of age.

1) Unless you have health problems you should start excercising as soon as you can. Go easy at first and progress gradually. Be persistent and exercise regularly.

2) The best way to start is walking which is a natural movement. Start with a moderate walk and then add streching and strength work as you go along. ( wrist or ankle weights)

3) You do not have to work out hard. Recent research has proven that regular moderate exercise will provide you with significant health benefits.

4) You can improve your physical appearance at this age. Physical imporvement, including weight liss, bodily dimensions, and overall muscle toning may be accomplished at any age.

5) Exercise will help you live longer. The sooner you start, the greater chance you will resist lifestyle diseases such as heart disease, cancer and diabetes. The major benefit of exercise may not be, however, the fact that you live longer, but may be the increased quality of life you live.

6) Regular exercise will help you fight off osteoporosis. Exercise increases bone density by improving calcium retention. It will give you sturdier bones in the face of advancing age.

7) "Normal" age related changes such as reduced sexual performance, increase in weight, reduction in strength and bone mass, increased blood pressure and decreased cardio-respiratory function, may, in fact, not be normal for those who exercise regularly.

8) Regualr exercise encourages the body to use sugars eficiently thus reducing the chance of adult onset diabetes.

9) A well rounded program including cardio work, strength training and flexibility work is the best combination. All of the systems in your body will benefit fromthis type of well-rounded "cross training" program.

10) You should consider each exercise session as a workout. Why not try three workouts a wekk - 20 to 30 minutes of cardio exercise and the rest in stength and flexibility. If you can't do it this way, spread it out through the week to included these components. The key of course if regularity and consistency over a period of time.

Next time we will talk about travel fitness tips.

That's all for tonight.


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