Thursday, December 10, 2009

Day 91, 92, 93 - Dec. 8, 9, 10

Can you believe it is almost Christmas. I can't. I am glad I got a lot of my shopping done in China in April.

It has been so busy at work with social functions and year end work that has to be completed. I am so happy between Xmas and New Years when most of my offices are closed and I can finally get caught up with my emails and start to prep for 2010.

I am back training with Joseph and it feels good to be back on track. My lower back has been bothering but Joseph is working with me to get my back better and it is working. A little bit at a time.

Working with Joseph I have started to learn some of the terminoly for the parts of my body that we are working on. They are:

Upper Body:

Biceps leg

Lower Body:

Quadriceps/Front of thigh
Hamstrings/Back of upper

On my next blog I will be discussing strenght and resistance training. It will take a few blogs to complete.

I am going to New York with my friend Michele for her 50th birthday. Her wonderful husband Dave is footing the bill for both of us. We are staying at the Flatotel Hotel, seeing a broadway matinee show, dinner at a 5* restaurant and drinks at the top of the Penninsula hotel with champagne at midnight to officially ring in Michele's birhtday. And of course shopping and heading over to Rockafeller Centre to see the tree and the ice skaters.

So I will not bw blogging until Monday night.

Have a great weekend and stay warm.


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