Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Days 187 to 212 - March 4 to 29

Well I am now officially unemployed. I have been so busy the last 4 weeks handing over all my accounts and shutting down my office. I finally am starting to feel refreshed and back to myself. I took the last 3 days and just slept. It was exactly what I needed to do as I was physically and emotionally drained. Work for Amex Canada for the last 11 1/2 years has been very rewarding and I have learnt a lot that I will be bringing to my new vocation. For those of you who do not know I am going to be a Private Investigator. I am very excited and will start taking web based classes over the next couple of week. I need a little down time now but I am still working out with Kash my trainer. Kash is just finishing up her final college courses and then at the end of April she will have her degree.

To all my friends and family that have been so supportive during this tome I thank you very much. I could not have done this without you. To all my former collegues thank you for all the best buy gift certificates as I was able to get my printer scanner for pictures and my blackberry and blue tooth. It was great appreciated.

Per my previous post. We were talking about common sense things you should do for you and your family when it comes to picking out food.

Here are a few more tips to help to keep you healthy:

Avoid products that have ingredients that a grade school child can not pronounce.

Avoid products that make health claims. These manufacturers have the money and the governement contacts to get FDA approval for food products that have used bad or imcomplete testing. Farmers do not have that kind of money so they can not advertise about how much better their fresh products are.

Avoid products that have "lite" in their title. This also includes "lowfat" or "nonfat". Go back to my previous note..if it has more than 5 ingredients then do not buy it. And if you see salt or surgar in these 5 ingredients run like the wind.

Don't eat something that pretends to be something else. I stopped using margarine a couple of years ago because it was actually worse for me than butter. I don't use a lot of fats but when I do I make sure that they are pure and not full of transfats. If you can not afford butter then don't use anything. It is better for you that way.

I know that sometimes I am watching TV and all of the sudden an ad will come up for some sort of processed food and they make it look so good. Do not by products that are heavily marketed. They have the money to sell all
this crap and you should just turn the channel. We all have to learn to do that.

That's it for now. I will be accessing my blog more often as I now have the time.

I would love to hear from you if you have any ideas or suggestions for the blog and please do become a member.

Take care


1 comment:

kim said...

Yeah!! You are back. I am so happy for you.