Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Day 108 to 112 - Dec. 25 to 29

Can you beleive that Christmas is over and it is only 2 days to 2010. I found this to be a difficult year work wise ( had to displace some employees)and a busy time personally ( 3 weeks in China, starting my weight loss journey). The year just seemed to slip by me and before I know it, 2010.

I got back to reality this morning and did a work out with Joseph. Believe it or not I acutually missed him...lol. Really, I know that when he is there I am more geared to work out as I know I will have him pushing me. I worked out on my gazelle while he was away last week but it is not the same.

I am looking at turning in my gazelle and getting a treadmill. Joseph is going to help me pick out one that is good and will last. Don't get me wrong, the gazelle is great but I need something more sophisticated that allows for heartrate and incline, etc.

I am back on my eating program after all the Xmas goodies, which I was very good about, but you can enjoy and then get over it. I give a lot of chocolates, etc. that I receive for Xmas to others who I know will enjoy more and then they are not in my house. That brings me to tonights discussion point, nutrition.

Learning and understanding some basic nutrition can really jump start your results. (go back in my archives for foods you can eat). Exercise and proper nutrition together help your body become a self-regulating system that will find its own way for your good health.

Nutritional tips for life:

1) Think of food as nourishment for your body and a way to improve your health.
2) Eat several small meals 4-6 per day.
3) Never skip a meal. Doing this advises your body to slow down your metabolism.
4) Make sure that every meal is balanced. Proteins should be the size of the palm of your hand. Complex carbohdrates should be fist sized. Fist sized portions of fruits or vegetables at each meal and for snacks - upto seven in total. Limit fat intake to just whats necessary.
5) Drink eight 8 oz glass of water per day and have one especially when you are exercising.
6) Plan you meals ahead for the week so you are prepared at meal times.
7) Set up your home for success, just have nutritious food and snacks.
8) Drink a glass of water prior to each meal. It will decrease the likelihood of your overeating.

Next blog I will talk about personal training and how it can work for you.

That's all for tonight.


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